Year 2 Transition For 2024/25
Dear Parents/Carers,
Firstly, let me say ‘Welcome to Pennine Way’. We understand that you and your children may have concerns about the transition into Year 3 in September and we want to reassure you that we are here for you every step of the way.
It has been wonderful to meet many of you at our open evening and parents’ meeting. This area of the website should serve as a reminder of much of the key information that you will need ahead of the new academic year, as well as provide you with supporting information to share with your child.
We know that you will have many questions and hopefully a number of those are answered below. However, if you have any other questions, please email them to myself at and I will endeavour to answer them for you.
Kind regards,
Mrs Hughes
Co-Headteacher / Head of Lower School
Please sign up to ClassDojo as information is being posted through the summer.
Introductory Transition Presentation
Transition Booklet From Year 2 To Year 3 (Children)
Special Educational Needs & Medical Conditions
If you have any concerns or enquiries about any additional needs your child has or any support they may require please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Braybrooke (SENDCo) via email:
Links to information on how to set up and use ClassDojo:
Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I find out which house my child will be in?
When you purchase your child’s transition pack, their book bag will be in their house colour –
Squirrel – Red
Badgers – Green
Kestrels – Yellow
Otters – Blue
Where possible, we try to allocate the same houses for siblings then we ensure there is a balance in each house across the year group.
How do I find the shop on +Pay to buy my child’s transition pack?
There is a difference on how you find the shop depending on your device and whether you are android or not. However, if you can see either a tab called 'Accounts' or a tab called 'Payments' then you should find the shop within one of these areas. When you find this page, scroll down to the basket and the pack is in there waiting for you.
Mrs Brough, our office manager, is the +Pay expert!
Can you only have one parent/carer on ParentMail?
No. At this point, we have only set up the primary contact on ParentMail. There is a ParentMail form in the transition pack on which you can indicate other emails that need to be included. Please allow the office staff a few weeks grace at the start of next term to enable them to update all the contacts that are submitted.
Can you only have one parent/carer on ClassDojo?
No. The transition pack has got your invitation to ClassDojo. It is helpful to us if this invitation is shared between those who would like to connect. However, if in September, there is a problem with this, please contact Mrs Hughes or the class teacher so we can assist.
I’m concerned my child isn’t with their friends. How do you sort the classes?
We don’t! The staff at CGINS spend a great deal of time mixing the three classes. They will take into account lots of different things, including friendships. We trust the staff to know your child and to ensure that the group that they are in is the right one for them to learn and develop, both academically and socially. Our Year 3 team work very closely together and there will be lots of opportunities to see their friends across all three classes.
My child is on the SEND register, will everything the infants currently do be handed over to the Pennine Way SENDCo and teachers?
With regard to transition, just to reassure you that we are already involved in extensive conversations with the staff from CGINS and other settings, including the class teachers and SENDCo. All the key information (SEND records, Learning Passports, etc) will be passed on to PWJA so we will have a chronology of needs which we will use to inform future planning for learning and provision at PWJA. Our SENDCo, Mrs Braybrooke, has already begun looking at the provision that the children had in place and is working on developing the IEPs that will replace the learning passport at Pennine. We are also looking at a form of enhanced transition for those who need it when we are able.
(optional activities to do with your children ahead of the new school year)