+44 (0) 1283 223697

Sports News & Events


Pennine Way's sporting achievements ensure that it stands out from other schools within South Derbyshire and we encourage all children to take part in one of our many clubs and activities. In these days when we are told that children spend most of their time sat in front of computers and don't exercise then Pennine Way definitely bucks the trend.

We have teams which participate in a variety of inter-school matches and competitions including football, high five netball, hockey, tag rugby, rounders and cricket as well as activity clubs for our younger children to develop their sporting skills and athletics competitions for all such as cross-country and area sports.


Sports Calendar


Team Sheets 2022/23 

11.12.23- South Derbyshire Goalball @ Greenbank 

06.12.23- U11 & U10 Hockey v Repton @ PWJA 

29.11.23- U10 Hockey v St Wystans @ Repton Sports Centre 

28.11.23- U9 Hockey v Twycross @ PWJA 

22.11.23- U11/10 OVS Football Tournament @ Willows Sport Centre 

21.11.23- U9 Football v Repton Prep @ PWJA 

15.11.23- U11 Football Finals @ The Pingle School 

13.11.23- U11 & U10 Hockey v Twycross 

18.10.23- U10 Football @ St Wystans 

17.10.23- U11 Football Finals @ The Pingle School 

12.10.23- U11 Football @ Eureka 

10.10.23- U11 Basketball South Derbyshire Tournament @ Pingle School 

04.10.23- U11/10 Girls Football @ Pingle  

03.10.23- South Derbyshire Boccia @ Greenbank Leisure Centre 

02.10.23- U9 Football v Eureka School @ PWJA 

27.09.23- OVS U11 Hockey Tournament @ Belper Hockey Club 

26.09.23- U9 Football @ Repton Prep 

26.09.23- U11/U10 Football @ Pingle 

19.09.23- U9/10 Hockey v Repton prep @ Repton Prep 

20.09.23- U11/U10 Hockey v Repton Prep @ Repton Prep 

21.09.23-U9 Football @ The Mease Spencer Academy