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Online Safety

As we all know, our children love to spend their time on their laptops, tablets and phones exploring the online world. Keeping up to date with changing technology can be a challenge and knowing how to ensure that your children stay safe online can be even harder!  We work hard at school to teach all of our pupils how to be responsible users of the internet, keep themselves safe online and to know what to do if they feel unsafe or threatened in any way.  However, a lot of the time they spend online is at home and we are regularly approached by parents for help and advice on how to manage this effectively, or asked to help resolve issues that have occurred online.

Please find the links below to two excellent documents that have been published by the NSPCC in partnership with O2 which provide children's online safety guidance to parents:

 ‘A parents’ guide to being Share Aware’ and ‘Your child’s online world – A guide for parents’




#DITTO Online safety magazine from the esafety advisor Alan Mackenzie - January 2019 Edition

#DITTO Magazine - January 2019

Pennine Way Junior Academy has also collected information from various organisations which may help parents with internet safety. Please click on the relevant button/link below to view the document in a PDF format.

The first set of tabs are guidance for parents to help set up parental controls:

Blackberry     Facebook     Google

iPhone     X-Box     Youtube

Derbyshire County Council have also issued the following leaflets for parents:

Networking     Safeguarding     Social Media

Factsheets from CEOP (Child Exploitation and On-line Protection Centre):

Cyberbullying     Checklist

Tips for parents from Support Net:

Internet Safety

Switching To Remote Work Posters From The Social Switch Project


Safer Video Calls     Communicating Remotely     Effective Video Support


Safeguarding for Houseparty     Safeguarding for Snapchar     Safeguarding for TikTok     Safeguarding for Twitch

Educate against hate
