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Home Learning

At Pennine Way we believe that having to complete tasks independently and take responsibility for completing tasks on time are valuable skills to learn. Therefore we have developed a system that will allow the children to take greater ownership of their work and responsibility for their choices.

At the start of each half term your child will bring home a ‘Homework Menu’ for their year group. This will consist of
a selection of tasks from three categories: English, Maths and Foundation (all of the other subjects).

Throughout the half term, your child must choose at least three tasks to complete. One from the English section,
one from the Maths section and one from the Foundation section. Of course, they may do as many of the tasks as
they wish and will receive Class Dojo Points or Outstanding Marks for any extra tasks completed.

Your child will be given a book to evidence this homework in. This could be written evidence, screen shots of online
tasks or even photographs of doing something practical on their own or even with friends or family members.

Please feel free to get involved! We just ask that you sign the sheet when your child has completed a task.

Please help us by encouraging your child to take pride in their new homework book, present their work neatly and
remember to hand it in to be checked weekly on the day stated on your sheet.

We do ask that children still read at home at least three times per week and that you continue to sign your child’s
reading diary to show that this has been done. Spelling and times tables practice should also be completed as
directed by the class teachers.

Please download the Homework policy for more information.


Pennine Way Junior Academy Homework Policy  PDF






Reading Eggs

Class Dojo